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Testimonial Châteaux & Sancerre Tour May 2008

Châteaux & Sancerre Tour 21-27 May 2008

“I would like to agree with what a few people have already said on your website. It is one of the most enjoyable tours I have done and as Anne mentioned before we left it was the most enjoyable trip she has done.

In my opinion the most important aspect of any bike holiday is the roads and you certainly picked really good ones. I’ve not ridden so many good roads back to back for a week before. It’s obvious you must have spent a lot of time researching the routes we travelled.

Next on my list is good accommodation and good food. Your trip ticked both those boxes. Last on my list which you can’t easily control, but we were lucky with, was the very friendly group of people making the trip and the glorious weather.

I was also very impressed with the drop off system you use which was new to me. It worked extremely well with virtually no chance of anyone getting lost. I also liked the way you both were happy to adjust the riding pace dependant on how the first bike in the chain wanted to go. This avoided any pressure on riders to maintain a certain pace but ensured those that wanted to could “push on” when they wanted.

Both Anne and I will not hesitate to book another trip with you and I will definitely try one of your weekend breaks based at your home. I can’t wait to get my Fireblade on the amazing roads you know. I suppose I should actually answer the questions you asked so here goes:

  • Hotels and Restaurants were very good. The best were superb and the others were still very good.
  • Anne did enjoy the Chateaux visits but I was there for the riding. I think I might have mentioned that a few times during the trip…
  • Stops were ok for me but since one couple needed an unscheduled visit behind a hedge perhaps they might need to be slightly more often. I suppose it depends how much you drink the night before.
  • There can never be enough drinking time on a trip but as we need to fit in sleep, eating and riding it was fine for me.
  • Bike parking was excellent.
  • How can the roads, hotels and food you provided not be good value. I never heard a single word from anyone that suggested any part of the trip was not good, both in quality and value.

These answers are not meant to suggest I get a free holiday, they’re simply the truth. I have not been on any previous trip – and I’ve done dozens – where the hosts were as good as you two.
Best Regards and thanks.”

Allan & Anne Gray, Honda Blackbird, Essex

Tiger Tank en route
Lunch Break

“The tour organised by Jen and John was very enjoyable and good fun, I would highlight the following reasons why.

Every day we were presented with terrific routes of, mainly rural, good biking roads that had obviously been thoroughly researched and planned beforehand. Stringing together such consistently good routes is not an accident; it must have taken a huge effort to locate them all.

Worth mentioning is our hosts use of the ‘drop off’ system of organising a group run, with a leader at the front and a sweeper at the back, it ensures that no one gets lost, everybody can travel at their own pace and even overtake if they so wish. In my opinion, so much better than some operators, who simply give their guests a map with a cheery ‘see you in the bar tonight’ to get them through the day.

We stayed mainly in family run typically French, character Hotels, which gave us a better flavour of La Belle France.

The support van was a godsend as luggage could be taken off the bike and also providing a convenient place to dump leathers and helmets at stops and when visiting Châteaux’s and wine centres.

We were fortunate to have a disparate group of interesting people who very quickly gelled into a fun loving, noisy rabble, who also happened to be good company so there was plenty of laughter, piss taking and general ribaldry.

Thanks to John and Jen for organising such a great time and I for one will be more than willing to go on another tour organised by Bike Normandy.”

– Peter Rankin, the SAGA lout, BMW, 1200GS

Chill out at Chambord
Chambord Château

One of many laughs…
Sancerre Wine Cave

“The beauty of the Bike Normandy tours is that everything is organised and led for you, this leaves you to concentrate on, and enjoy, what you are there for – the biking.

The routes and hotels are planned and booked for you so you just roll up each day after enjoying the great country roads, change and meet in the bar/pool/restaurant and talk and laugh about your day, and enjoy the company.

The ‘drop off’ system with a leader at the front and a sweeper at the back works and you travel at your own pace. The support van was an excellent idea, providing the ease of dumping gear and touring Châteaux’s cool and encumbered

Thanks Shifty John and the fast Lady for organising such a great holiday. You would never have known this was the first time for them for this type of holiday, and Pans people will be going again. We will also be joining another of their short breaks as the last of those was brill also.”
– John and Barbara(von) Rasch, Pan European

Wine Introduction…
Wine Induction!

Ding Dong!
Open Wide…

Knights of Sancerre!
Cooling Off

“Thanks once again for a great tour. A fantastic holiday with superb rides, great company, good food and top class organisation. We will be back.”
– Mick and Chris Warling, Pan European, Kent

Will this meringue fit in my mouth? Yes!!

“Just to say that I enjoyed the whole trip. It was very well organized, good company and wonderful roads. I will be looking at your website next year and you may very well see me again.”
– Graham Mincher, GSXR 750

Chédigny Rose Festival

Secure Parking – behind locked gates
More Boozing!

Not really here for the Châteaux!
Coffee Stop

Hotel at Gacé
Peter had told his wife he was on a SAGA holiday!!